Monday, February 2, 2009

Resolutions still going??

Happy Ground hog's Day! Don't know if we'll have more winter or not, but regardless, it's time to check in with your New Year's Resolutions. Are they working? If not, why not?
Let's take the healthier eating resolution first. We've finally cleared out the holiday candy, and now here we are in Girl Scout Cookie season and Chocolate Pig Out Day (aka Valentine's Day) is around the corner! Does this mean you shouldn't support the scouts? Of course not!! But consider buying ONE box for yourself, and a couple boxes for your favorite local charity or food pantry. If you're seriously counting calories, ask your sweetheart for a personal training session gift certificate (or even a manicure certificate) rather than that box of Godiva chocolates. Keep focusing on eating MORE fruits and veggies, and healthy eating will become part of your life instead of an onerous "resolution".
And what about exercise? Did you join a gym, but now you're not going? If you did, find a friend and commit to one another to go. Reward yourself when you DO go- but make it a non-edible reward! Buy a new workout outfit or treat yourself to a romance novel or humorous book- whatever works for you, but doesn't ADD calories. Keep track of your exercise in a VISIBLE place- your calendar (on the computer or in your kitchen- whatever one you rely upon will work) and reward yourself at the end of the month.
BOTTOM LINE: If your healthy resolutions are working- WAY TO GO and KEEP IT UP! If not, figure out why, modify them so they WILL work, and get back at it!

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