Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pretty Toenails for Summer

Have you been sandal shopping yet? Well, here in Texas, it's already sunny & hot, and the kids are nearly out of school- we're ready for summer! Many of my patients ask my opinion about pedicures as they prepare for sandal season. So what do I think?
Overall, I am okay with pedicures. Make sure they use disposable blades and sterile equipment, and discourage too much "cuticle" work. If you have markedly yellow, thick nails, then I would suggest that you stick to the pedicure technicians smoothing out your calluses and consider leaving nail polish off for awhile (weeks to a couple months) while you treat the toenail fungus. The home remedy that I recommend for yellow nails is Vicks Vaporub applied to a naked nail each evening (even if you apply polish each morning- remove it nightly.)
Doing your own pedicure with a home foot bath? Remember to clean out the bath with a bleach solution between uses.
Last but not least, cut your toenails strait across (not curvy, like fingernails) to help avoid ingrown nails.
Bottom Line: Enjoy your pedicures (within limits) as you prepare for sandal feet!

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