Tip number two for losing that holiday weight is another common sense solution- GET SOME REST! A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine this year compared weight loss between a group that followed a low calorie diet and had only an average of 5.5 hours of sleep per night versus a group that followed the same diet and averaged 8.5 hours of nightly sleep.
It may surprise you that not only did the people with more sleep had more weight loss, but they also had greater reduction in body fat and in HUNGER.
Scientists are not sure of exactly how more sleep resets your hunger thermostat or changes your metabolism, but we certainly know that less sleep stresses your body, which is not conducive to better health. If you struggle with INSOMNIA as the reason for your lack of sleep, make sure you are having good sleep hygiene (keeping a regular bed time, not watching tv or doing computer right before bed, etc.) and limiting or avoiding caffeine and alcohol. Check out my blog on covering the clock, and make an appointment with your doctor if you cannot restore good sleep on your own.
BOTTOM LINE: Make sure you are getting at least 8 hours of sleep to maximize your success with losing those extra holiday pounds!
Calcium: Adequate serum calcium is needed for fecal fat excretion. Observational data has shown that those who supplement their diet with calcium have lower levels of body fat. This systematic review found supplementation of about 1,200 mg of calcium per day leads to an increase in fecal fat excretion. Obes Rev 2009; 10(4): 475-86
Sleep: A very small pilot study compared a low calorie diet and either 5.5 hours of sleep vs 8.5 hours over 14 days. Those who slept more had greater loss of weight and body fat, and, among other things, less hunger. The authors postulate it was due to the neuroendocrine changes decreased sleep induces. Ann Intern Med 2010; 153: 435-441
Chronic PPIs: When used chronically, PPIs are associated with pneumonia, C. diff infection and other problems. This case control study found obesity developed in patients with GERD who were treated chronically with PPIs vs other treatments World J Gastro 2009; 15(38): 4794-4798.