Tuesday, August 17, 2010

When Does High Cholesterol Start "Counting"?

Calcium and heart disease are staying together in the news. Yesterday, I talked about calcium supplements. Today, I want to tell you about another study- the "CARDIA" study (Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults). Basically, this study looked at young people who began the trial at age 18-30 in the early 1980's. Their blood cholesterol levels were measured at baseline, and then followed periodically for twenty years. At the endpoint, coronary calcium scores were evaluated. (These scores are from a CT scan that looks at calcium deposits in the coronary arteries- the ones that if clogged, cause a heart attack.) The question was whether or not high lipid (cholesterol) levels in your youth led to these deposits in your middle age. The answer: a resounding YES.

As always, there is a catch. This time, the tricky part is that although high calcium deposit scores are definitely associated with heart disease, it is not the same objective evidence as whether or not people with early high cholesterol levels will actually have more heart attacks. I believe, however, that the take-home message is this: we do indeed pay for "the sins of our youth"- high cholesterol levels that are UNTREATED in young people are going to lead to problems down the road.

What should we do? The jury is still out on whether or not we should be starting younger patients on lipid-lowering medications, despite numerous studies trying to evaluate this issue. We DO know that improving diets and increasing aerobic activity reduces heart disease, with NO negative side effects.

BOTTOM LINE: Don't wait till you are 40 to check your cholesterol levels- find out EARLY and make lifestyle and dietary changes to improve your numbers NOW so you can decrease your heart disease risk LATER!

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